Item | Paper |
1. Welcome, apologies and declaration of interests | ARC24-01 [PDF 496KB] |
2. Risk management a) TO CONSIDER an update on the strategic risk register b) TO CONSIDER an update on cyber security c) TO CONSIDER the annual report on research integrity for 2023–24 |
ARC24/02 ARC24/03 |
3. External audit a) TO CONSIDER the progress on actions from the 2023 management letter b) TO CONSIDER an update on the progress of the 2024 audit c) TO CONSIDER the draft narrative for the Financial Statements 2023–24 |
ARC24/05 Oral report ARC24/06 |
4. Internal audit a) TO APPROVE the internal audit plan final draft 2024–25 b) TO CONSIDER the draft internal audit annual report and the internal audit progress report c) TO CONSIDER the planned internal audit reports |
ARC24/07 ARC24/08 ARC24/09 |
5. Standing reports a) TO CONSIDER the annual summary of disclosures under the Whistleblowing Procedure b) TO NOTE any disclosures since the last meeting c) TO NOTE any fraud or financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting |
Oral report Oral report |
6. Committee management and reporting a) TO CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024 b) TO NOTE the matters arising c) TO CONSIDER the Committee terms of reference, membership and effectiveness review d) TO CONSIDER the Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2023–24 Draft 1 e) TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting |
ARC24/12 |