2. Financial performance
TO CONSIDER the management accounts, including the first draft outturn and summary of bad debt write-offs for 2022-23
3. Pension schemes
a) TO CONSIDER the university's response to a consultation on the Universities Superannuation Scheme
b) TO CONSIDER a report on pension liabilities
FIC23-03 [PDF 241KB]
4. Committee management and reporting
a) TO CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting held on 07 June 2023
b) TO NOTE the matters arising
c) TO CONSIDER the Committee's terms of reference, membership and effectiveness
d) TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting
FIC23-04i [PDF 178KB]
FIC23-05 [PDF 224KB]
FIC23-06 [PDF 393KB]
FIC23-07 [PDF 106KB]