2. Financial statements 2022-23
TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL the draft financial statements for 2022-23 for submission to the OfS
3. Budget 2024-25
TO APPROVE the budget principles 2024-25 and approach to 2028-29
4. Financial performance
a) TO NOTE the current financial position
b) TO NOTE the annual report on research performance
5. Strategic investment
a) TO APPROVE a business case on the Whitechapel life sciences building
b) TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL a business case on the ITL building
6. Committee management and reporting
a) TO CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2023
b) TO NOTE the matters arising from the previous meeting
c) TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting
FIC23-14 [PDF 116KB]
FIC23-15 [PDF 259KB]
FIC23-16 [PDF 112KB]