Item | Paper |
1. Welcome, apologies and declaration of interests | N/A |
2. Chair's update TO NOTE an update from the Chair |
Oral report |
3. President and Principal's report TO CONSIDER the President and Principal's report |
QM2022/70 |
4. QMSU President's report TO CONSIDER a report from the QMSU President and the minutes of the last MoA Review Panel meeting |
QM2022-71 [PDF 599KB] |
5. Deep dive presentation TO CONSIDER a deep dive on faculty performance (Humanities and Social Sciences) |
QM2022/72 |
6. Environmental sustainability TO CONSIDER an update on environmental sustainability |
QM2022-73 [PDF 397KB] |
Finance and Investment Committee a) TO NOTE the Finance and Investment Committee minutes b) TO NOTE the current financial position c) TO APPROVE the tuition fee regulations 2024-25 |
QM2022/74 QM2022/75 QM2022/76 |
8. Senate TO CONSIDER the minutes of the Senate meeting held on 08 June 2023 |
QM2022-77 [PDF 288KB] |
9. Audit and Risk Committee TO NOTE the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee |
QM2022/78 |
10. Remuneration Committee TO CONSIDER a report of the Remuneration Committee meeting |
QM2022/79 |
11. Minutes of the last meeting TO APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2023 |
QM2022-80 [PDF 133KB] |
12. Matters arising TO NOTE the matters arising from the last meeting |
QM2022-81 [PDF 110KB] |
13. Council annual schedule of business TO CONSIDER the annual schedule of business for Council 2023-24 |
QM2022-82 [PDF 165KB] |
14. Agenda for the next meeting TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting |
QM2022-83 [PDF 143KB] |