2. Chair’s update
TO NOTE an update from the Chair (5 mins)
3. President and Principal’s report
TO CONSIDER a report from the President and Principal (20 mins)
4. QMSU President’s report
TO CONSIDER a report from the QMSU President (10 mins)
5. Strategy 2030
a) TO CONSIDER the mid-strategy review (40 mins)
6. Finance and Investment Committee
a) TO NOTE the minutes of the Finance and Investment Committee (5 mins)
b) TO CONSIDER the draft outturn of financial performance in 2023–24 (10 mins)
c) TO CONSIDER an update on student recruitment and financial management for 2024–25 (20 mins)
7. Audit and Risk Committee
TO NOTE the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee (5 mins)
8. Gift Acceptance Policy
9. Recruitment of the next Chair of Council
TO NOTE an update on the recruitment of the next Chair of Council (5 mins)
10. Minutes of the last meeting
11. Matters arising
12. Decisions since the last meeting
13. Agenda for the next meeting
TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting (3 min)