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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


Apprenticeship provision differs from other higher education programmes in several ways. Unlike students on traditional programmes, apprentices are employed first and apply to a programme through their employer. This ensures that the programme outcomes align both with apprentices’ skills and career goals and the specific needs of the employer. Apprenticeships combine practical on-the-job training with academic study, offering a comprehensive learning experience.

In addition to meeting the regulatory requirements of the OfS Conditions of Registration, apprenticeship provision is also regulated by Ofsted, and must comply with ESFA funding rules. Apprenticeship programmes are required to address specific knowledge, skills, and behaviours (KSBs) as outlined in approved apprenticeship standards, alongside the programmes' learning outcomes.


The quality of apprenticeship provision at Queen Mary is built on a foundation of continuous improvement. Ongoing monitoring and review is conducted through the completion of a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). These two quality documents are linked to the Queen Mary Programme Review process, ensuring that monitoring and enhancement of provision is tracked via the Quality Framework.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a dynamic tool that identifies opportunities for enhancement within apprenticeships. It is designed to address any risks promptly and effectively through supporting data and action plans.
  • The Programme Self-Assessment Report (PSAR) is a detailed evaluation that assesses the overall quality and effectiveness of each apprenticeship programme.

Each apprenticeship programme must produce a SAR and a QIP annually. These are the responsibility of the apprenticeship programme managers within the schools/institutes that own and maintain them. This procedure is aligned with the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework. In drafting the SAR and QIP, programme teams should consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure comprehensive input and alignment. All programme SARs and QIPs must be fully completed, and approved by the School/Institute and the Faculty.



This process is designed to ensure that all apprentices registered with Queen Mary receive high-quality training that leads to successful outcomes. By rigorously implementing this procedure, Queen Mary aims to ensure that our apprentices not only successful complete of their programmes but receive a positive student experience.

University-level oversight

In addition to programme-level documents, an institutional SAR and QIP that covers the entirety of Queen Mary’s apprenticeship provision is produced annually and submitted to Ofsted.

The latest published documents are:

This comprehensive report ensures that all apprenticeship programmes are consistently monitored and improved, with explicit consideration given at the departmental level and oversight provided to all levels of the governance structure.

Regular review and updating of the QIP at both the programme and university levels are critical to enhancing the quality of Queen Mary’s apprenticeship programmes. These practices help to ensure that all apprentices receive the best possible education and training, aligned with the expectations of employers and industry standards.

Further support

For further support contact Academic Quality and Standards:

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