Examination boards are the committees responsible for the management of assessment, progression and award decisions. Queen Mary has a two-tier examination board system; school, institute or discipline-based Subject Examination Boards (SEBs) set assessments, approve assessment results and progression outcomes, and make award recommendations to the award-based Degree Examination Boards (DEBs).
Subject Examination Boards are managed by staff in academic schools and institutes, while Degree Examination Boards are managed by the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (DGLS). Subject Examination Boards are quality assured and attended by external examiners, while an external member – a quality and standards expert from another UK university - fulfils a similar role for Degree Examination Boards.
These pages are designed for staff involved in the management of examination boards, and include key policy documents, document templates, details of current examination board chairs and officers, and examination board dates for the current academic year. For further information on examination boards, assessment processes or the Academic Regulations, please contact qualityandstandards@qmul.ac.uk.
When appointing a new SEB Chair or Deputy Chair, please contact qualityandstandards@qmul.ac.uk with a short emailed nomination from the Head of School or Institute. Please also let us know if the Secretary to the board has changed, or if there are any other new contacts to add to the mailing lists.
The Academic Regulations and the Assessment Handbook are key documents for examination boards. The Academic Regulations follow a student through their studies, and it is important that you refer to the correct iteration. The Assessment Handbook is a policy document and applies to all assessment matters in the specified academic year unless it specifically states otherwise.
The most recent iterations of the Academic Regulations and the Assessment Handbook are linked below. Queen Mary's Policy Zone archive holds previous iterations.
SEBs must use these approved templates in all cases.