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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Periodic review

At QMUL, Periodic Review of teaching and learning in academic schools and institutes occurs on a six year cycle, and forms part of QMUL’s Quality Framework for the assurance of academic standards and quality. A review panel will consider whether the school / institute’s quality procedures are working efficiently and effectively together with those of QMUL’s quality framework in order to assure and enhance the quality of teaching and learning, to safeguard academic standards, and to enhance the student experience.

The Periodic Review will cover all taught programmes and research degree programmes offered by the school / institute, including any joint programmes offered in collaboration with another school / institute or external partner. The review may also encompass other activities which are closely related to those credit-bearing taught and research degree programmes.

The periodic review process is designed to enable each school / institute to: 

  • Evaluate the extent to which intended learning outcomes are being met and standards attained, taking account of the award qualifications and external reference points e.g. the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and other Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).
  • Consider whether the characteristics and intended learning outcomes in the programme specification remain valid.
  • Consider and review the management of both taught and research degree programmes to ensure that a high quality student experience is being provided.
  • Reflect on the operation of its policies and procedures, ensuring they are in alignment with QMUL policies and regulations.
  • Initiate specific action to remedy identified shortcomings and improve current practice if possible, within the resource base.
  • Identify areas of potential good practice for wider consideration and dissemination.
  • Think strategically about programme portfolios in line with both Faculty and University strategic plans; reviewing longer term plans and objectives, taking into account external developments (e.g. changes to entry profiles and employer expectations) to evaluate the cumulative effect of change.
  • Focus on future enhancement of the programmes and the student experience.


The schedule of periodic review is normally based on a six year cycle. The schedule is determined by the Vice-Principal (Education) in consultation with the Heads of Schools and Institutes, and taking into account visits by professional and statutory bodies where possible. The approved schedules are as follows:


Guidance for Schools / Subject Areas


Should you require any further information or advice with regards to any matter relating to the Periodic review process, please contact  

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