ISEFP - FdCert Chemical Sciences (FGH3) [PDF 829KB]
BSc Chemical Sciences with Foundation (FFX2) [PDF 845KB]
ISEFP - FdCert Physics (FGH5) [PDF 891KB]
BSc Physics with Foundation (FFX0) [PDF 871KB]
BSc Astrophysics (with Year Abroad) (F526/F52Y) [PDF 1,009KB]
BSc Chemistry (with Year Abroad and with Year in Industry) (F100/9A32/F10Y) [PDF 1,221KB]
BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with Year Abroad and with Year in Industry) (F154/2L22/F15Y) [PDF 1,283KB]
BSc Physics (with Year Abroad and with Professional Experience) (F300/F302/F306) [PDF 1,200KB]
BSc Physics with Astrophysics (with Year Abroad) (F3F5/F3FY) [PDF 1,084KB]
BSc Physics with Data Science (F30S) [PDF 1,129KB]
BSc Physics with Particle Physics (with Year Abroad) (F392/F39Y) [PDF 1,134KB]
BSc Theoretical Physics (with Year Abroad) (F340/F34Y) [PDF 1,087KB]
MSci Astrophysics (with Year Abroad) (F523/F52A) [PDF 1,251KB]
MSci Chemistry (with Year Abroad and with Year in Industry) (F103/F13Y/F102) [PDF 1,246KB]
MSci Pharmaceutical Chemistry (with Year Abroad and with Year in Industry) (F152/F153/F12Y) [PDF 1,394KB]
MSci Physics (with Year Abroad and with Professional Experience) (F303/F301/F307) [PDF 1,417KB]
MSci Physics with Astrophysics (with Year Abroad) (F3FM/F3FA) [PDF 1,312KB]
MSci Physics with Data Science (F30T) [PDF 1,310KB]
MSci Physics with Particle Physics (with Year Abroad) (F393/F39A) [PDF 1,308KB]
MSci Theoretical Physics (with Year Abroad) (F323/F34A) [PDF 113KB] [PDF 1,215KB]
MSc Chemical Research (FT/PT) (F1U3/F1UP) [PDF 990KB]
MSc Condensed Matter Physics (F3S4) [PDF 95KB]
MSc Particle Physics (F3S3) [PDF 95KB]
MSc Physics (EuroMasters) (F3S5) [PDF 96KB]
MSc Theoretical Physics (F3S2) [PDF 95KB]