Academic Misconduct
Allegations of academic misconduct are dealt with by the Academic Integrity & Misconduct Policy. Queen Mary will take all necessary steps to maintain the academic integrity of its programmes of study, and every allegation of academic misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with this policy.
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Plagiarism;
- Examination offences;
- The use, or attempted use, of ghost writing services for any part of assessment;
- The submission of work, or sections of work, for assessment in more than one module or assignment (including work previously submitted for assessment at another institution);
- The fraudulent reporting of source material, experimental results, research, or other investigative work;
- Collusion in the preparation or production of submitted work.
Please see this document for guidance on what penalties could be applied if a student is found to have committed academic misconduct - Academic Misconduct Penalty Guidance [PDF 156KB]
Academic Misconduct Appeals
If you have received an Academic Misconduct outcome which you are dissatisfied, you have the right to appeal. Academic Misconduct Appeals should be submitted within 14 days of the outcome, using the online form available at this link. There are two grounds for an Academic Misconduct Appeal – that the procedures were not followed appropriately, and/or that the outcome was not reasonable in light of the available evidence.
If you are a member of staff or a student with a query about academic misconduct please contact the Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office using the details below.