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Queen Mary Global Policy Institute

The Research-Policy Nexus at QMGPI: how your research shapes and is shaped by global policy

When: Friday, July 12, 2024, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: The Old Library, Garrod Building, Whitechapel

Speaker: To be confirmed

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Globally, universities engage in knowledge creation that serves to develop and transform society through policymaking based on evidence. At Queen Mary, we work across our three faculties to address many of the pressing policy needs on numerous societal and environmental fronts across the world. The Queen Mary Global Policy Institute (QMGPI) takes Queen Mary’s world class research and helps to translate this expertise into positive social and practical dividends by addressing key global problems across a range of policy areas - from global health to technology, from housing to human mobility.   

Have you considered how your research is shaped by policy spheres internationally and how it may impact policymaking and inform policymakers? Would you like to learn from other postgraduate students at Queen Mary engaged in research that has policy relevance? If so, this workshop is for you!

It will bring together Queen Mary’s postgraduate community and offer postgraduate students the chance to meet and hear from experts in the research-policy nexus across diverse global disciplines. The QMGPI has established broad strategic pathways that encompass ongoing expertise in QM’s three faculties (see below).

  • Rights, Inclusion & Diversity 
  • Resilience & Sustainability 
  • Healthcare, Recovery & Reform  

To attend the event, please register via Eventbrite

Keen to discuss your own research with peers, faculty and international experts?
This QMGPI sponsored event also offers you the chance to present and discuss your research topic(s) and receive guidance on how to enhance its policy relevance for greater impact.

Ready to share your research? We are open to proposals from any discipline.
Please submit an abstract of 200 words, together with a title, your contact details and your CV or profile to by 15th June. The proposal should focus on how your research connects with policy spheres and how the problems that your work addresses might influence policymaking.  


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