Ukraine - A critical test for the West?
When: Thursday, March 3, 2022, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: Virtual event, online
On Thursday 24 February Western fears were realised when Russia invaded Ukraine by land, sea and air: the most significant attack seen on European soil since World War II.
European Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen stated that Vladimir Putin is “bringing war back to Europe” and the crisis has become a global security concern, presenting a very high risk of war involving Russia and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) allies.
Such developments threaten a return to the Cold War, use of weapons of mass destruction and regional instability. With relations between NATO allies and Russia at rock bottom, is it too late to de-escalate the conflict through political dialogue? Are sanctions – even of the most severe type – any real deterrent? In retrospect, was the West insufficiently robust in its response to the annexation of Crimea?
This Queen Mary Global Policy Institute Global Seminar was devoted to analysis and exchange of opinions on the critical situation in Ukraine. Our panel discussed the context of the crisis, possible solutions and whether there is any real hope of minimising a wider European conflict.
Our panel of current and former diplomats, scholars of politics and international relations and specialists in international conflict resolution included:
- Welcome and introductory remarks: Professor Colin Grant, Vice-Principal (International), Queen Mary University of London
- Chair: Professor David Williams, Head of School, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London
- Gabrielle Rifkind, Director, Oxford Process, and author of "The Fog of Peace: how to prevent war"
- Robert Brinkley, UK Ambassador to Ukraine 2002-2006 / Chairman, Ukrainian Institute, London
- Steven Pifer - US Ambassador to Ukraine, 1998-2000 / Centre for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University
- Simon Smith CMG - UK Ambassador to Seoul, former Ambassador to Ukraine 2012-2015
- High Commissioner Raja Reza, High Commissioner of Malaysia to Brunei and former Ambassador of Malaysia to Ukraine 2018-2021