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School of History

Dr Chris Sparks


Senior Lecturer in Digital History

Room Number: Arts Two, 4.04


My work revolves around the use of computers to improve the ways in which people can investigate, teach, and learn about the past. I have worked in a variety of teaching-focused roles within higher education which have given me unique insights into the aptitudes and behaviour of staff and students and an ethos I call ‘digital pragmatism’. This ethos recognises both the vital role that the digital now plays in the practice of what it is to be a historian and the consequences for how we deliver education and student experience in terms of content, tools and skills development. But it is rooted in an understanding of the need always to focus on the complexity of the ‘human’ in the digital humanities: from the student grappling with the mechanism of an online archive search to the academic keeping track of their advisees.

I completed my BA, MA and PhD in History at the University of York, and have worked at QMUL since 2012.

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