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School of History

Dr Waseem Yaqoob


Lecturer in the History of Political Thought

Telephone: +44 20 7882 6703
Room Number: ArtsTwo 4.03


I am a historian of modern political thought specialising in the history of ideas about politics, economics and international order in the twentieth century. I am also interested in ideas of solidarity, and the history of military occupation and civilian resistance in South Asia, in particular Kashmir, where my family is from.

I currently serve as co-director for the intercollegiate MA in the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History offered jointly by UCL and QMUL.

My first book, entitled 'History and Judgment: The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt', is under review with Princeton University Press. I am now working on a project reinterpreting the history of political thought of twentieth-century Germany in an international and global context.

Prior to joining Queen Mary in 2019 I was a Lecturer in Modern Political Thought at the University of Cambridge, Research Fellow at Pembroke College, Cambridge and a DAAD Visiting Fellow at Humboldt University. I received my PhD from the University of Cambridge, where I also gained my BA.

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