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School of History

Dr Bonnie Evans


Honorary Senior Research Fellow



Dr Bonnie Evans is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the School of History.  Her work explores the history of child psychology and the making of the modern self. She has an MSc in Economic and Social History from Oxford University and a PhD from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University.  She co-founded the interdisciplinary Health and Welfare Research Group at CRASSH, Cambridge.  She then held a research fellowship at King’s College, London's Centre for Medical Humanities, where she studied ‘Cultural and Historical Influences on Psychiatric Diagnoses’. She has lectured in the international history of child sciences, psychology and eugenics.  In addition to her academic work, she has also worked as a policy and media advisor and has written for publications such as Aeon. She has spoken at the UK Department for Education and has advised at the Institute for Public Policy Research.  She has also consulted for the BBC and other media outlets and has appeared on BBC television.

Twitter Account: @Bonnie__Evans

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