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School of History



A great deal of research in the School of History is promoted and experienced through our research centres and forums. These centres differ in their size, funding sources and structures, but all promote innovative research, host visiting scholars, and nurture members of the School, from PGRs and PDRs to fixed-term and full-time members of staff. The centres have inspired new research seminars at QMUL and the IHR, and they support Annual Lectures, workshops, and activities aimed at public engagement.

The Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought at Queen Mary, University of London was established in 2007. The Centre aims to support the production and dissemination of research of the highest quality in the history of political thought and at encouraging the interaction and cross-fertilisation of the history of political thought with related fields (political theory, philosophy, kaw, legal theory, international relations, intellectual history etc.). The Centre organises high-quality events, promoting the original study of specialised topics as well as methodological innovation. It also promotes scholarly publications in the field and encourages applications for externally-funded grants and awards, and it attracts increasing numbers of Visiting Research Fellows at various career stages who come to conduct research in London under its auspices and who benefit from the events it organizes and the overall research culture that it nurtures.

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