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Health and Safety Directorate

Biological & Genetic Modification Safety Committee

Introduction and functions

The Queen Mary Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee (BGMSC) 

  • peer reviews all Queen Mary GMO and Notifiable Biosafety risk assessments,
  • classifies the risk level of the work, and 
  • monitors the effectiveness of GMO / biological agent containment measures across Queen Mary laboratories and related facilities.

The committee is a sub-group of, and reports to the Queen Mary Health and Safety Advisory Group (HSAG).

BGMSC Terms of Reference.

Organisation for biosafety and GMO work at Queen Mary

The committee maintains the Queen Mary premises registration for GMO work under the GMO (Contained Use) Regulations 2014.

Queen Mary is registered as GM Centre 774 with the Health and Safety Executive.

Barts Health NHS Trust premises (Barts, Royal London Hospitals) are included in the Queen Mary registration for GMO (Contained Use) activities.

GMO (Contained Use) activities at Barts Health NHS Trust premises are conducted as per the GMO_Memorandum of Agreement_QMUL_BHT_Oct 2018_Web [PDF 443KB] between Queen Mary and the Trust. 

BGMSC Meeting agenda and minutes are provided to all meeting attendees, and can be provided upon request to the Secretary / BSA to other Queen Mary staff.

For Advice and Assistance at Queen Mary, contact the H&S Manager / Advisor for your Faculty / PS or the subject lead at

All H&S staff can be contacted via the help desk at

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