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Health and Safety Directorate

Unsafe Handling of Naked Flames

The chances are you have almost certainly used a Bunsen burner at some point in school, but do you know how to use one safely? We can learn from this near miss.

Uncontrolled Bunsen burner use presents a significant fire hazard since they produce an open flame and burn at a high temperature. They should only be used in designated areas and where a safety gas “shut-off” system is installed. The use of Bunsen burners can only be justified when they are an integral part of the work activity with no viable safe alternative.

An incident involving the unsafe use of a Bunsen could easily have led to a fire. A Bunsen with a longer than recommended gas hose had been lit and was carried through the lab to a cabinet where they had been pouring plates. The laboratory had poor housekeeping and there were a lot of cardboard boxes causing a trip hazard. Thankfully this breach in fire safety was spotted and stopped by a vigilant Safety Coordinator.

If you are required to use a Bunsen, you should ensure you’re aware of the following safety procedures:

Procedure - before using the Bunsen

  • Place the Bunsen away from any overhead shelving, equipment or light fixtures by at least 12 inches. Keep away from electrical equipment, especially from hanging cords and plugs.
  • Ensure the work area and shelves above in the vicinity of the Bunsen are clear of combustibles (papers, cardboard) or flammable/combustible solvents/explosive materials.
  • Inspect hose for cracks, holes, pinch points or any defect and ensure that the hose fits securely on the gas valve and the Bunsen.
  • Use appropriately designed tools for handling hot equipment or surfaces (don’t improvise with paper towels/rags).

Procedure - when in use

  • Ensure that no flammable gases or liquids are located or in used in close proximity (Oxygen). Oxygen is not itself flammable but should also be kept well away from any open flames or flammable gas.
  • Adjust the flame by turning the collar to regulate air flow and produce an appropriate flame for the experiment (typically a medium blue flame).
  • Do not reach across an open flame.
  • Do not leave open flames unattended and never leave the laboratory while the burner is on.
  • Shut off gas when its use is complete.
  • Allow the Bunsen to cool before handling. Ensure that the main gas valve is off before leaving the laboratory.
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