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Health and Safety Directorate

Laboratory Clearance

The purpose of this documented procedure is to ensure that upon temporary or permanent vacation of laboratory (research or clinical / diagnostic work related laboratories) or laboratory related spaces (e.g. freezer rooms, liquid nitrogen stores), all such spaces throughout Queen Mary University of London premises are left in a safe and reasonable standard in terms of health & safety requirements for subsequent cleaning operations, re-occupation, refurbishment or demolishment.

QMUL Documents:

Key persons and main responsibilities at QMUL:

  • The School / Institute / Directorate Manager has overall managerial responsibility for the process and to provide the necessary resources, and complete the ‘Laboratory Clearance Certificate’ (Appendix 2)  (they may appoint a suitable and competent staff member (appointee) to oversee the process on their behalf).
  • Co-opted clearance team - laboratory managers or other suitable staff to undertake clearance tasks, including completing the ‘Laboratory Clearance Checklist’ and collating other clearance records (see Appendix 1).
  • The QMUL / SMD Space Manager is responsible for verifying that clearance tasks have been completed satisfactorily, by signing the ‘Laboratory Clearance Certificate’ in Appendix 2 and retaining the submitted records.

In addition, the following Directorates provide operational and advisory assistance for the process of laboratory clearance:

Also see Laboratory Hazardous Waste Disposal


For Advice and Assistance at QMUL, contact the H&S Manager / Advisor for your Faculty / PS or the subject lead at

All H&S staff can be contacted via the help desk at

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