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Health and Safety Directorate

Lone Working


Establishing a healthy and safe working environment for those working alone / out of hours can be different from organising the health & safety of others at work. It will often be safe to work alone however, the law requires QMUL to think about and deal with any health and safety risks before people are allowed to lone work.
Consideration should be given to:-

  • Assessing possible areas of risk (such as manual handling, threat of violence etc.)
  • The suitability of the individual to work alone
  • Whether the workplace itself presents a risk to them
  • Having control measures in place to keep in touch and be alerted to any issues from lone workers

QMUL Documents

Lone Working Out of Hours Working H&S Policy and Guidance describes the requirements that must be adhered to for all staff and students and explains the procedures that all Faculties and Directorates must apply in order to achieve compliance with the policy.

Lone Out of Hours Working Risk Assessment Form [DOC 41KB]

Points to consider

It is essential that lone workers understand the policy and guidance and abide by the local rules in force for the control of lone working in their area. Before seeking consent to lone work individuals should consider the following:

  1. Do you really need to lone work or can working practices be altered so as to avoid it.
  2. Have you confirmed that the lone working activity is not prohibited either within the policy or within your Faculty or Directorate?
  3. Has the risk assessment covering lone working been completed?
  4. Are all control measures identified within the lone working risk assessment in place before lone working begins (such as emergency contacts, lone working alarms, the use of buddy systems etc.?)


HSE Guidance on Working Alone: -

For Advice and Assistance at QMUL, contact the H&S Manager / Advisor for your Faculty / PS or the subject lead at

All H&S staff can be contacted via the help desk at

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