Health and Safety Policy and Management
Queen Mary considers health and safety as an essential part of its management process. We intend to continually improve our health and safety management systems and expect all of our staff, students, visitors and contractors to actively participate in this process.
Queen Mary provides and maintains a safe and healthy environment in which you can work, study, visit and enjoy yourself. You must take every reasonable care of your own and others’ health and safety by adopting safe working practices and by making proper use of the facilities and equipment provided. You must comply with Queen Mary health and safety, fire safety policies, procedures and departmental rules, and co-operate with Queen Mary staff holding safety responsibilities.
Queen Mary University of London has set out its aims for health and safety (including fire safety) and the management structure for achieving these in the Health and Safety Policy Statement and Framework Arrangements.
The Universities Safety & Health Association (USHA) has launched its revised standard on Leadership and Management of Health and Safety in Higher Education Institutions.
The revised guidance sets out the legal duties of individuals employed in Higher Education Institutions and then maps these to practical outputs, matched against the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ framework as approved by the Health & Safety Executive and used within Queen Mary's health & safety management system.
The standard, when used in conjunction with Queen Mary University of London Health & Safety Policy, offers a useful structure for managers to ensure effective health and safety management in their areas.
The Health and Safety Directorate is responsible for:
- Developing Queen Mary University of London policies, procedures, guidance, supporting systems and tools.
- Reviewing health and safety performance across Queen Mary University of London.
- Providing competent health, safety and fire safety advice at all levels of Queen Mary University of London.
- Advising Queen Mary University of London management in good health and safety, and fire safety practices.
- Investigating accidents and incidents.
- Providing a comprehensive and appropriate portfolio of health, safety and fire safety training.
- Liaise with enforcement agencies where necessary.
- Inspect hazardous areas and carry out risk-based management audits of health and safety.
- Where appropriate, carry out assessments of risk to areas such as fire safety and first aid.
The Head of School/Institute/Directorate S/I/D is ultimately responsible for safety within their areas. The Head is assisted by staff with specific health and safety duties, such as safety coordinators, radiation protection officers, first aiders, fire Marshals.
All new staff and students should receive the Queen Mary University of London health and safety policy statement and framework arrangements and local induction.
The health and safety management of research projects is normally delegated to Academic/Research Supervisors. They are the key to making sure projects run well, comply with current legislation and do not cause illness or injury. Supervisors are likely to know more about the projects they manage than anyone else, and should understand the risks involved. They are usually seen as the people Queen Mary University of London can turn to for complete information (including health and safety information) about a project.
For Advice and Assistance at Queen Mary University of London, contact the H&S Manager / Advisor for your Faculty / PS or the subject lead.
All H&S staff can be contacted via the HS-Helpdesk