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Health and Safety Directorate

Privacy Notice for your Personal Data’

What We Need

When you report an accident / hazardous incident / case of work-related ill health, to the Occupational Health and Safety Directorate at Queen Mary, University of London, we will collect basic personal data about you including name, address, age, gender and e-mail address. We may also need to collect sensitive data, relating to your health. 

Why We Need It

We will only ask you for information that is necessary for the University’s compliance with our legal obligations (The Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations and, The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) and, to help us reduce or prevent similar accidents / hazardous incidents / work-related ill health. We will only process data relating to your health that is necessary for carrying out obligations under employment, social security or health and safety law or, for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

What We Do With It

All the personal data and sensitive personal data processed by the University in relation to the accident / hazardous incident / case of work-related ill health, is done so by our staff in the UK. No third parties have access to your personal data except where the law requires them to do so. Your data is passed to third parties only when the University is legally required to do so and / or for insurance purposes. We will share information securely and, will only share the minimum required. The data provided will be used to investigate the accident / hazardous incidents / case of work-related ill health as necessary and, as such we may contact other members of staff at the University in order to facilitate this, however only information pertinent to the investigation is shared. In order to reduce and / or prevent reoccurring accidents / hazardous incidents / work-related ill health, the University will remove personally identifying information from your report for statistical and reporting purposes. All of your personal data will be held and processed in accordance with current UK data protection laws.

Further information is available on QMUL webpages:

How Long We Keep It

We will keep your data only as long as required, and in accordance with the QMUL  Health and Safety Records Retention schedule, which is on our website:
Master OHSD Records Retention Schedule 2018 [DOC 163KB] 

What Are Your Rights?

You can let us know if at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect or, if you would like to see a copy of the information, we hold about you. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your data, you can contact the Director of Health and Safety (Zarah Laing) who will investigate the matter. For contact information, please see our website:

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe, we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you can also complain to the QMUL Data Protection Manager,

If you have exhausted all QMUL internal options and  still not satisfied, you can contact Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

Health & Safety First Aid training is carried out by a Nuco Training Ltd registered and qualified Instructor. All learner personal data that is collected on official course paperwork, for courses that are registered with and certificated via Nuco, are covered by Nuco's GDPR approach. This includes data that is collected during course administration which will be recorded on official course paperwork/documentation.  Please see NUCO_Data Protection Guidelines_May18_ [PDF 145KB] for further information.   

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