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Studying Dentistry: a student perspective

Discover Shraddha's favourite thing about studying BDS Dentistry

Shraddha is currently studying BDS Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London. We asked her some questions about what she enjoys about student life and her tips for future students.

What is your favourite thing about your degree?

My favourite thing about the BDS is that it’s so versatile. You never know what you’re walking into on any day as there’s such a variety of patients or you might be learning skills in the lab. 

Studying dentistry is a lot of fun – there are new things to learn every day, interacting with patients or learning in the lab. 

What do you enjoy most about studying at Queen Mary in London?

What I most enjoy about studying here is how friendly people are. Staff and students in my year and older years are always willing to help.

What do you think of the facilities available on our campuses?

Learning facilities in the Dental Hospital are great. We have top-notch equipment including phantom heads, materials and haptics.

How do you expect your degree will help you in your future career?

I’m planning to become a dentist so that’s straightforward. I enjoy patient interaction and I’m exploring a range of options. 

If you were asked by a prospective student about student life at Queen Mary, what would you recommend to them?

I’d recommend joining societies and sports clubs – there’s loads going on at the university and in London. Try out different things like new sports and enjoy London life while you’re a student.

Are there any hints or tips about studying and living at Queen Mary in London that you wish you’d known before you started your degree?

People always worry about finance - part-time jobs help to counter that and help you manage your finances. Make the most of city – you’re only going to be there for a while so find out about all the different spots, markets and exhibitions. Explore the city and have fun.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?
I’m a student ambassador, which means I’ve participated in Open Days and interviews. I’d recommend the role because you get to tell people about the course and help reassure people at interview. I’m also involved in the SAMDA society, which supports Year 12 and 13 students in local state schools as they take their first steps towards a career in medicine or dentistry. It’s nice to see students get in to medical and dental schools who you’ve helped. 

Shraddha Sheth, BDS Dentistry 2026

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