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Fasika tells us about choosing Chemical Engineering, and busy student life as an active member of many societies and groups.

Fasika tells us about choosing Chemical Engineering, and busy student life as an active member of many societies and groups.

Fasika wearing a long sleeved red top in front of a grey background

Fasika Bekele

I am Fasika, a final year Chemical Engineering student at Queen Mary University of London. Throughout my time at Queen Mary, I have taken on several roles beyond my studies, serving as a SEMS Student Ambassador, PASS Mentor, Captain of the Queen Mary Athletics Society, and an active member of the undergraduate research community.

A spark for chemistry – where it all began

My journey into the fascinating world of Chemical Engineering began in sixth form. I had always loved chemistry, and at the time, I imagined chemical engineers worked directly with chemicals—which I thought was both exciting and cool! Little did I know that the field was much broader, extending into industries such as energy, pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, and sustainability.

With a Chemical Engineering background, I have the opportunity to explore diverse fields

Queen Mary – the place that shaped me

The first chapter of my Chemical Engineering journey started at Queen Mary, and I must say, it has been an incredible experience. As the years went by, I began to understand that Chemical Engineering is much more than just working with chemicals. It is about transforming raw materials into valuable products through innovative processes. If I were to describe Chemical Engineering in simple terms, I would compare it to cooking. It all begins with ingredients like onions and oil which we refer to as raw materials in our chemical world. Then comes the cooking process, where we caramelise the onions, heat and mix; in the chemical world, this is like chemical processing. Finally, just as cooking results in a meal for a family, in chemical engineering, we create products that are scaled up to make the product accessible to many people.

Now, in my final year, I fully appreciate the versatility of this degree. With a Chemical Engineering background, I have the opportunity to explore diverse fields, from renewable energy and biotechnology to food production and sustainable materials, to list some oil, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fashion, and beyond. I feel grateful for choosing this path. Looking back, I am incredibly grateful for choosing this path it has been both challenging and rewarding.

This curiosity led me to join the Queen Mary Community of Undergraduate Research (QMCUR) in my second year, where I really found my passion for research.
Student ambassadors making a heart sign with their hands, there are balloons behind them

Fasika has been a student ambassador during her time at Queen Mary, including helping at the Proud to be an Engineer events.

What Fuels My Passion?

Studying at Queen Mary has not only deepened my knowledge of Chemical Engineering but also helped me discover more about myself. One thing I have realised is that I have a natural curiosity I love asking questions and researching different topics to find answers. This curiosity led me to join the Queen Mary Community of Undergraduate Research (QMCUR) in my second year, where I really found my passion for research. I had the opportunity to work on exciting research projects. This experience opened doors for me to participate in various competitions and conferences, such as the Institute of Minerals, Mining and Metallurgy (IoM3) Annual Young Persons’ Lecture Competition, the Industrial Liaison Forum, and I even got invited to present at the British Conference for Undergraduate Research (BCUR) and the IChemE Young Engineer Awards for Innovation and Sustainability (YEAIS). I’m incredibly thankful for all the opportunities that Queen Mary has provided me.

My advice is to remain curious and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

Reflecting on my chemical world journey, over the past three years, I’ve grown tremendously both academically and personally, thanks to the supportive environment, inspiring professors, and hands-on learning experiences at Queen Mary. Studying here has not only shaped my technical expertise but also strengthened my leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

As I prepare for the next chapter, I am excited about the vast opportunities that Chemical Engineering offers. Whether in sustainability, research, or industry, I look forward to using my skills to contribute to innovative solutions that make a real impact. For anyone considering studying Chemical Engineering, my advice is to remain curious and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. The resources and support available at Queen Mary are outstanding, and while the journey can be challenging, it’s immensely rewarding.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the challenges. Looking ahead, I’m excited for the possibilities.

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