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Student view: commuting to university

Unfortunately, I didn’t get accommodation on campus in my first year, despite coming in from abroad. Luckily, the University's policy has since changed, guaranteeing all first year students accommodation on campus who had applied and accepted their offer by May.

But back then, I was trying to frantically find accommodation two weeks before the start of university that wouldn’t cost the world but would also be a reasonable commute. I managed it in the end, but in my final year at Queen Mary I lived about 10 minutes’ walk away from campus, and I can easily say that was my favourite commute during my time here… But I also realise not everyone will be as lucky.

I think there are certain positives to living off campus, especially in terms of being able to switch off and separate different spheres of your life, but I also know some people might be daunted by the idea of commuting, especially in London – even more so if you are moving from abroad or a smaller city. But I think it’s more painless than you would imagine. A commute simply becomes part of your routine, much like other components of your life at university, it tends to blend smoothly and seamlessly into your day after some time. When living further away from campus in my first and second years it took me a few weeks at the beginning of each term to work out the best and most cost efficient way to travel based on my schedule. It is important to remember your timetable will change each term, so the times and frequency of your commute will also be affected. Other factors to consider are societies, sports clubs training, work, or other social engagements. I found it useful to sit down at the start of each semester (once I had all my commitments figured out) and work out whether it would be cheaper for me to use pay-as-you-go or buy a student weekly or monthly travelcard. This benefitted not only my organisation and planning but also my wallet!

So, when you are eventually faced with a commute, don’t panic. Like all aspects of university, with good timekeeping and a calm approach you’ll definitely find something that works for you. If you feel like you still might struggle, you could join the Queen Mary commuting society!

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