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Human Resources

Staff Data Validation

As you will be aware, the College holds certain basic information about its employees and routinely processes this data. We would like your assistance in reviewing the records we hold.

Reasons for validation

We need to update our records for a number of reasons:

  • To ensure we hold the most up to date information about you so that we can get our correspondence right first time.
  • Due to the changing requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), we need to make some changes to the categories of information we hold regarding disability. It is important that the information supplied by the College to HESA is accurate as this is used to provide consistent information about higher education throughout the UK.
  • Up to date staff information is central to the College’s preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
  • Under the Data Protection Act 1998, the College is legally required to ensure that personal data held about employees is accurate and kept up to date.

The Principal’s Steering Group support this activity; the College Trade Unions have also been informed of our plans.

Validation method and action required by you

The validation will be paper-based and will take place during the summer. You will receive a pro-forma which will provide the information the College currently holds about you as well as some other details where we need to collect data from you.

The data will also include what we believe to be your central College username and e-mail address (provided by Computing Services). We will NOT be asking for you to provide your password. Once again I ask you to remember that we would never ask you to supply your password by e-mail or indeed any other means.

The right hand column of the pro-forma will be left blank to allow you to input any amendments or corrections to your data.

Please return your completed form to the HR department as soon as you can.

Further information

If you have any questions, please address them to the HR Information and Systems team (020 7882 2793/3734 or email:

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