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Human Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the staff validation exercise about?

It provides staff with the opportunity to review the records we hold about them and provide the College with up to date information. This is your information so please take this opportunity to review these records.

Is it important?

Yes. It's important for a number of reasons;

  • We want to ensure we hold the most up to date information about you so that when we correspond with you, we can ensure you receive the relevant information and with the correct details.
  • Up to date staff information is central to the College's preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
  • Under the Data protection Act 1998, the College is legally required to ensure that personal details held about employees is accurate and kept up to date.

Where are you getting the information from?

The information comes from the College's HR/Payroll system (ResourceLink). This information has been provided to HR via new starter forms or via previous data collection exercises. Central College username and e-mail address have been provided by the Computing Services department. It has been decided to collect this information as part of this exercise to minimise the administrative burden on staff.

I would like to know more about the nature and uses of HESA staff data?

More information for staff explaining the nature and uses of HESA staff data is available here: [new window]

It is important to remember that HESA staff data is only used for statistical purposes, does not include names or contact details, and is not used in any way that could affect an individual personally.

How do I opt-out of my data being used for non-statutory HESA purposes?

Further information and an explanation of how you may opt-out of your data being used for non-statutory purposes is available here: [new window]

Again, it is important to remember that HESA staff data is only used for statistical purposes, does not include names or contact details, and is not used in any way that could affect an individual personally.

What do you mean by College username?

This is the College username provided by the Computing Services department. The username used for example to access e-mail on the central imap mail service. This username will consist of either three or four letters, followed by three numbers. This is the account you use to access College e-mail or College-only web sites from off-campus. 

If you are uncertain about this please sign on to the staff account validation web pages

What do you mean by College e-mail address?

This is the e-mail address that ends in

What should I do if I don't have a College username or e-mail address?

We know that not all staff will have a College username or e-mail address. Please leave these fields blank if you don't have one or other of these.

Why are you asking for student status?

This is to assist the College's preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

What happens if I can't remember my student details?

This is fine. If you can at least give us an indication that you are/were a student at the College then that will be fine. If you can provide more information then all the better.

Do I have to return the form if I have no changes to make?

Yes. We're asking staff to sign and return the form even if there are no changes. You will appreciate this is a paper based exercise and by asking for the return of all of the forms it will assist the administration of this exercise.

One of the objectives of the HR strategy is about using technology more effectively. Why is this exercise not being completed online?

Future validation exercises will be web based. The current exercise enables us to validate our data before exposing it to QMUL staff via self-service initiatives.

If you don't collect this information routinely won't this exercise need to be repeated?

A new personal details form has been designed and is going through the sign-off process. This form will ensure the capture of this information on an ongoing basis.

When is it happening?

We are running this exercise over the summer. We would be grateful if your completed form could be returned by 31 July 2009.

Why are you doing this over the summer - some staff will be on holiday?

We acknowledge that some staff may be on leave during the collection period. We will be happy to receive forms after the end of July. We are keen to get the information verified.

Does this include me?

Letters will be sent to all staff categories on the HR/Payroll system as at 23rd June. This enables us to capture all staff paid in that month. We will not be asking for data from some staff on casual contracts or staff who have left the College.

I'm away from the College for a period (e.g. sabbatical leave, maternity, long term sickness), am I involved?

Yes. If you are away from the College for a period, we will try and send your letter to your home address. The return date will be amended to take account of this.

What will HR do in event of changes to data?

In the event of changes to data, HR will update your record on the core HR/Payroll system. This means that when we correspond with you, we can ensure you receive the relevant information

Where do I start?

Please look out for your letter in the internal mail.

I haven't got my letter yet?

Letters are being distributed via campus and then in departmental order. This means that letters will arrive periodically from 01 July onwards. If you have not received your letter after a few weeks then please contact the HR Information and Systems team  (020 7882 2793/3734 or email: We will accept your letter and form after the deadline.

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