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Human Resources

Athena SWAN Charter

Welcome to Queen Mary's Athena SWAN website. Queen Mary became a signatory to the Athena SWAN Charter in 2005 and obtained its first Bronze award in 2008. 

In 2017, the University became one of only a handful of institutions to be recognised with a Silver award, an achievement of which we are extremely proud. Across our schools and faculties, as well as the institution as a whole, we continue the work of embedding gender equality into all our activities and for all our staff and students.

Message from the Principal, Professor Colin Bailey

As Principal of Queen Mary, I am delighted to support the work being undertaken to deliver the objectives of the Athena SWAN Charter. In our 2030 Strategy we state that we want to become the most inclusive university of its kind, anywhere.

A vital part of this is identifying effective actions and initiatives that remove barriers and support the progression of all our staff and students, in particular women. We are incredibly proud of our institutional Athena Swan Silver Award, but recognise that more needs to be done to advance the cause of gender equality, and I am happy to support the many colleagues demonstrating their dedication and commitment to this cause.


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