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Definitions, Stages and Associated Impacts

Definitions, Stages and Associated Impacts

What are the stages of menopause?

There are three stages of menopause - perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the phase that leads to menopause. The perimenopause tends to start from the early 40’s but it can be earlier or later. It can last anywhere between 5 and 10 years.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is the point in time when ovulation stops, usually defined when there has not been a period for 12 months or more. On average, the menopause stage is reach between ages 45 and 55 years.

What is Post-Menopause?

Post-menopause is the term used to describe the time period after the menopause when menstruation has ceased.

What is Early Menopause?

Early menopause is when periods stop at the age of 40, but before the age of 45. Approximately 1 in 20 women experience menopause before the age of 45. Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is where menopause occurs before age of 40 years of age.

What is Premature Menopause?

Premature Menopause is when menopause occurs under the age of 40.  It is termed premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). It affects 1% of women under the age of 40 and 0.1% of women before the age of 30.

What is meant by Menopause Transition?

This term refers to the stages: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause

What are the common associated impacts of Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause and menopause associated impacts can have a big impact on your daily life, including relationships, social life, family life and work. Associated impacts can feel different for everyone.  You may have several of the associated impacts or none. Associated impacts usually start months or years before the menstrual cycle stops. Associated impacts can be physical, psychological and cognitive. Please see examples below:

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