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Human Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below examples of Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQs will be updated on a continuous basis.

I am a member of staff who is experiencing the menopause transition.  I am experiencing unpleasant symptoms, and this is affecting my work performance. What should I do?  

In the first instance, you should approach your line manager. (You can choose to speak to your Employee Relations Manager or Adviser prior to informing your line manager, but where possible, the line manager should be approached first). Together you can agree on some reasonable adjustments and possibly a referral to Occupational Health Works or the Employee Assistance Programme.  


Can you give me some examples of reasonable adjustments that I might expect to assist with my menopausal symptoms?

Reasonable adjustments could involve offering a flexible working arrangement, for example a later start and finish time; Hybrid working, allowing someone to work from home as well as on campus if they’re experiencing disturbed sleep or if they have very heavy bleeding. 


I don’t want my colleagues to know what I am going through. Can Queen Mary guarantee confidentiality?    

Queen Mary is committed to maintaining confidentiality and not disclosing any information without your consent. GDPR treats health information as sensitive data.  


Am I entitled to any time off due to my symptoms?     

If symptoms are severe enough to cause discomfort or distress, we recommend you speak with your Line Manager and / or your Employee Relations Manager or Adviser to discuss your particular situation. Further information can be found in the Queen Mary Attendance Policy and Procedure. 


How might trans men, trans women and non-binary people experience the menopause? 

A trans man is someone who identifies and lives as a man but was likely assigned female/a girl at birth. Trans men may experience menopausal symptoms if their ovaries remain in place. They may experience surgical menopause if the ovaries and uterus are removed. 

A trans women is someone who identifies as a woman but was likely assigned male/a boy at birth. They may experience pseudo-menopausal symptoms if their hormone therapy treatment is interrupted or levels are unstable. 

Non-binary people’s gender identity does not sit comfortably with the binary of ‘man’ or ‘woman’. Some non-binary people may identify with some aspects of binary identities (e.g., they may feel they embody some elements of masculinity or femininity or both), while others reject them entirely. Some non-binary people may also experience menopausal symptoms. 

I am a manager with a member of staff who is experiencing the menopause transition. My member of staff’s symptoms are affecting their work performance what should I do? 

Find a private space to discuss what your member of staff is experiencing. Together try to agree on some reasonable adjustments that would suit their particular circumstances. If their symptoms are severe, refer them on to their HR Adviser who can facilitate an appointment with Occupational Health.  


A member of staff is requesting time off for sick leave. Can I grant this?  

You will need to follow the provisions laid out in the Queen Mary Attendance Policy and Procedure. If you are unclear about this, speak to your Employee Relation Manager or Adviser.  


A member of staff is requesting to work flexibly. Can I grant this?  

Consider offering a short-term flexible arrangement first. If this is not satisfactory, permanent flexible working arrangements will be considered in line with the provision of the Queen Mary Flexible Working Policy.

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