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Human Resources

Menopause Surveys

We want to ensure that support for staff and those staff who have management responsibilities is reflective of the needs of our community.  We have therefore devised two voluntary surveys. The survey results will enable HR to assess:

  • The level of support that staff are currently receiving
  • The level of support that may be required
  • The type of support that would be useful for staff
  • Management awareness about the menopause and the symptoms
  • Management awareness of how symptoms may impact staff at work and their performance
  • Knowledge of how to assist staff with managing menopausal symptoms at work

All responses will be anonymous and we have no way of linking responses to any individual.

The information provided will be stored confidentially and will only be used for the purposes of understanding our community’s needs to enhance the support that is already provided at the University in relation menopause support

If you would like to participate in answering the questions in the surveys please see below:

For the Staff Survey click here

For the Manager Survey click here

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