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Human Resources

SEAL Programme

The South East Action Learning (SEAL) programme provides a space for women to voice their work and career challenges. As part of a discussion group, regularly meeting peers from across a number of other institutions, you'll support other women and be supported in turn to discover both the power and leadership qualities needed to solve problems and take action.

Following successful selection to the programme, you will be assigned to a specific action learning cohort. The participating institutions will host the action learning groups in turn, covering leadership development themes. We think carefully about the construction of each action learning cohort, striving for a balance of academic and professional services staff. Each cohort has a designated facilitator to guide the discussion and ensure confidentiality.

About Action Learning

The concept of action learning was pioneered by Professor Reg Revans, a thought leader on management and leadership. You can find out more about its origins, and how it works, in the Guide to Action Learning in Higher Education.

Action learning is an organisational development tool that empowers people to resolve complex problems in a safe and confidential space. It is about promoting courageous choice: helping people take action that is meaningful for them, and supporting them to identify their own solutions, much like group coaching

Interested Applicants

To apply for a place on the 2024 programme, please check you can make the necessary commitments, then complete an application form on the SEAL website.  Applications must be received by 12 noon on Friday 8th December 2023.

For further information, please email

 Programme Feedback

“I am grateful for the organisation and school/university that provided me the opportunity of participating the program, I wish I did it ten years ago!”

 “Having the opportunity to listen to others from a variety of institutions and careers has been enriching. I have learned more about how to prompt deeper thinking about issues and problems to solve.”

“I feel that the course made a noticeable difference in my confidence levels and ability to do my role without second guessing myself.”

“The structure and approach is super. The balance of the whole group development sessions, questions and then the groups is excellent. I always feel so enriched afterwards. I find myself returning to notes and thoughts.

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