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Hybrid Working Etiquette

Hybrid Working Etiquette

Embracing good hybrid working etiquette and good communication skills will help enable colleagues to stay focused and productive.

When hybrid working, keep in mind that you have many ways of communicating with your colleagues and team.  These can be described as synchronous or asynchronous.

Synchronous communication is when you expect an immediate response, for example:

  • Meetings: In person, on Microsoft Teams, or a hybrid of both
  • Microsoft Teams text, voice and video chat
  • Phone calls

Asynchronous communication is when you do not expect an immediate response, for example:

  • Email

When deciding how to communicate, think about who needs the message, how quickly you need a response, and what might be more appropriate.  For example, a phone or Teams call might be best if you need to have a discussion in order to make a decision. However, if you simply need to share information, email might be better.

It is also important to we ensure that your communication choices are consistent with wellbeing and work life balance.

Below are suggested ways of working that are helpful in a hybrid working environment.

  • Check that your MS Teams status is up to date and reflective of your availability and work status.

  • When required, use your Teams “do not disturb” status to indicate that you need some quiet and focused time with minimal interruption. However, this should not be the default status.

  • Respect the availability status of colleagues. For instance, avoid ringing a colleague who is on Do Not Disturb except when this has been agreed in advance.

  • Use GIF and reactions appropriately on MS Teams.

  • Avoid ringing a colleague on MS Teams unless you have agreed in advance, even if the status indicates that the person is available.

  • Ensure that in your absence, your Out of Office message has the details of the agreed contact person or Team to be approached for urgent queries and please ensure that the named person/Team are aware.

  • Always check your background before you join a meeting. If you are not sure, then it may be advisable to use a virtual background/blur.

  • Always switch on your camera when attending 1:1 meeting, Team meetings or other work-related meetings.

  • Ensure your mic is muted if you are on a group call to minimise interference except when you are talking or presenting.

  • Use the raise hand function if you want to make any contributions on a group call.

  • Always ensure that your Outlook calendar is up to date and indicates when you will be on campus or other work location.

  • Share your Outlook calendar with others in your team.

  • Always ensure you plan and have protected time in your diary for your lunch breaks to support your wellbeing.

  • Ensure meetings are booked for at least 5 minutes past the hour or half hour to enable participants to have breaks in between meetings. Outlook offers functionality to support you with this:


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