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Medical and Dental Students


Young people going to college or university this autumn are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) due to the MenW bug, one of the most aggressive and deadly strains of meningitis.


Medical (A100-A101-A300) and Dental (A200) Students - Standard Health Clearance
All first year Medical and Dental students are required to attend Occupational Health for a standard health clearance, with an Occupational Health Adviser (a trained nurse specialising in Occupational Health). Advice will be given on health hazards during your study and clinical placements, and your immunity status will be assessed.  This can include blood tests and immunisations, which are needed for your protection in the clinical environment. Disease Immunity assessed at Standard Health Clearance includes Chickenpox, Measles and Rubella (MMR), Tuberculosis (TB) and Hepatitis B.

Please note that standard health clearance is mandatory and is a requirement of the SMD in accordance with GMC and Department of Health guidance. 

Medical and Dental students can call  0207 882 8700/7207 to book an appointment for health clearance.

School of Medicine and Dentistry


Medical (A100-A101-A300) and Dental (A200) Students - Exposure Prone Procedures (EPPs)
Exposure Prone Procedures (EPPs)
EPPs are those procedures where there is a risk of injury to the worker, which may result in the exposure of the patients’ open tissues to the blood of the worker.  These procedures include those where the worker’s gloved hands may be in contact with sharp instruments, needle tips and sharp tissues (spicules of bone or teeth) inside a patient’s open body cavity, wound or confined anatomical space where the hands or fingertips may not be completely visible at all times. To carry out EPPs you require specific clearance from Occupational Health in regard to immunity status for blood borne viruses; Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.

Dental Students and EPPs
EPPs are a required element of dental courses at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and so all first year Dental students are required to undergo EPP clearance.

Medical Students and EPPS
Medical courses at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry are EPP free. However as a medical student you can opt the have additional health clearance for Exposure Prone Procedures (principally assisting at surgery and similar activities). Many students wish to have this experience during training.

TB Screening
Due to the nationwide temporary suspension of the BCG vaccine to Occupational Health Services (OHS),  there will be a change of procedure in carrying out TB screening.   Students who have a BCG scar or documentary evidence of having the BCG vaccine, no further action will be required on your part.  For students who do not have a BCG scar or documentary evidence, a QuantiFERON TB-Gold blood tests (IGRA) will be carried.  Should  the blood test comes back positive, the student will be referred to the local chest clinic for further investigations / treatment.  If  the result is negative, advice will be provided on the signs and symptoms to observe.  Should any of these symptoms occur, you are advised to seek medical advice from your general practitioner and also inform us in OHS.


All QM Medical and Dental Students who are going on Electives require Occupational Health Clearance. Please phone 020 7882 8700 for an appointment. You will be asked to provide details of the trip, including place(s), dates of travel and the clearance criteria of the institution you are visiting. The relevant Travax (an interactive online database which provides up to the minute travel health information) information will be discussed during the appointment. Any relevant vaccines will be offered if they are available; otherwise another appointment will be made once the vaccine has been dispensed from Pharmacy.   Information on the Zika Virus
GDC Registration
Final year Dental (BDS) students can have their GDC forms signed by The Occupational Health Physician. This would involve an appointment with an OH Adviser which may include a blood test to exclude infection from Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and and confirmation of TB immunity. There is a charge of £50 for this service and it can take from two to five weeks to complete. Please contact us on 020 7882 8700 if you wish to make an appointment. Please note: GDC forms can be completed by any Doctor including your GP.



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