- Introduction
- Who should have an appraisal?
- What guidance is available?
- What training and development is available?
- Frequently Asked Questions
The appraisal window runs from May to 30 November 2024 (extended to 6 Jan 2025).
The Personal Appraisal and Development discussion should:
- Ensure a shared understanding of objectives
- Celebrate successes
- Identify and address any obstacles to achieving objectives
- Identify strengths and development needs
- Enable discussion of career aspirations
Who should have an appraisal?
Queen Mary’s Personal Appraisal and Development applies to members of staff who:
- have successfully completed their probation period (before this, use the probation procedure)
- have a contract longer than a year
The Personal Appraisal and Development does not apply to those with honorary status, and those who have been appraised as part of the joint academic and clinical appraisal scheme, or clinical staff who require revalidation (the online Trust system should be used for this purpose).
Guidance and support
We have three guides. These apply to both appraisers and appraisees. The contents are similar, but they have been tailored with examples for different groups of staff:
- Appraisal Guidance - Academic Staff [PDF 797KB]
- Appraisal Guidance - Operational, PS and Technical Staff [PDF 773KB]
- Technicians' Appraisal Guidance [PDF 92KB]
We hope that the system is intuitive - there are guidelines to help at Appraisal System Guidelines (Gen2) [PDF 562KB].
During discussions of career aspirations with Professional Services staff, you may find the Professional Services Career Development resources useful.
Appraisal learning and support
The Frequently Asked Questions page covers many additional questions you might have, for example:
- How can I agree an objective when I don’t know what the outcomes of my research will be?
- What if promotion opportunities are scarce in my area? How can we plan career and development?
- Can someone other than the line manager be the appraiser?
An e-learning module is also available, Introduction to Appraisal, covering appraisal skills for both appraisers and appraisees.
If you have specific queries or concerns about the appraisal process, we encourage you to book time with an Organisational & Professional Development colleague to discuss them.