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Human Resources

Contracts, terms and conditions

These pages describe the kinds of employment contract that Queen Mary University of London uses and how these are most appropriately deployed. Find out:

  • how to offer lawful contracts appropriate to the kind of role the employee is undertaking.
  • advice on which contract will be most appropriate.
  • the consequences of issuing successive fixed-term contracts.
  • how to amend [or end] the contracts of staff lawfully.

The information from these web pages is also available in a single PDF document: "QMUL Contracts of Employment [PDF 137KB]". This document is one in a series of “Key Concept” documents which describe the ideas that underlie the University’s Codes of Practice on HR issues.

The HR site also has web pages dedicated to reviewing fixed-term contracts detailing the processes that Schools, Institutes and Departments should carry out when an employee's fixed-term contract is approaching its expiry date. 

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