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Human Resources

Notice periods

Where can I find details of my notice period?

Notice periods are defined in your terms and conditions of employment.

For Academic and Research Staff on Indefinite Contracts

Queen Mary will give at least three month’s notice if the appointment is to end.

The employee may end the appointment by giving at least three months’ notice in writing to the head of school/institute, or service with a copy to the Director of Human Resources. Unless otherwise agreed, such notice may not expire before the end of the appropriate University term.

For Academic and Research Staff on Fixed-term contracts

The date the contract is due to end is stated in the contract. Notice, therefore, is given from the outset of the appointment. For staff with service of one year or more, at the end of the contract, Queen Mary will review the contract.

If you or the University wish to end the contract before the end date, notice arrangements are the same as for staff on indefinite contracts.

For Support Staff, including Technical, Operational, Clerical, Nursery and Security Staff; and Professional staff on grades 1-4 on Indefinite Contracts

Such staff may end the appointment time by giving one month’s notice in writing.

Queen Mary may end the appointment by giving notice in writing. Staff will be entitled to 1 week’s notice for each complete year’s continuous service with the College, subject to:

  • a minimum of 1 month’s notice; and
  • a maximum of twelve weeks’ notice.

For Support Staff, including Technical, Operational, Clerical, Nursery and Security Staff; and Professional staff on grades 1-4 on Fixed-term Contracts

If your contract is for a fixed-term, notice is given from the outset. If you or the University wishes to end the contract before its stated end date, notice should be given as set out for staff on indefinite contracts.

For Professional Staff on grade 5 and above; or Professional staff on grade 4 who were appointed to an “academic related” role 4 before January 1st 2008

The notice periods mirror those given for Academic and Research Staff given above.

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