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Human Resources

Induction and probation


For more information, please visit the Organisational & Professional Development page on Induction


The normal probation period is set out in your terms and conditions and is dependant on the role that you are carrying out. For those on professional, research, technical and support staff grades, the probation period is normally one year. For Chairs and Readers, the probation period is determined by the Principal on the advice of the relevant Vice-Principal at the time of appointment. Lecturers and senior lecturers who are new entrants into higher education will normally be on probation for three years.

Queen Mary’s probation procedure is set out in the 

There are also a number of forms designed to help staff and managers through the process. These include extensive guidance on the process to be followed, how to set probation objectives, the roles of participants, when an extension is appropriate, and so on.

Probation forms/documents for academic staff in S&E and SMD


Probation form for Academic Staff in HSS


Queen Mary Indicators of Teaching Excellence


Forms for professional, research, technical and support staff grades


Probation FAQs

Our FAQs deal with possible issues that may arise during the Probation period.

Interactive Process Diagram for Probation

Interactive Process Diagram - Probation [new window]

Training on the Probation Process

If staff need training on the Probation process we recommend they familiarise themselves with the abovementioned Probation Code of Practice [PDF 101KB] and complete the Introduction to Appraisal e-learning, available on CPD Training, which covers similar principles around setting objectives, giving feedback, etc.

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