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This section provides additional information on popular recruitment related topics.  

Advertising periods should be consistent and areas should attempt to advertise all roles to a similar length. A happy medium can be found between a minimum of two weeks (which is mandatory) and a suggested maximum of 4-5 weeks. Candidates will have greater confidence in the an organisation’s recruitment practices where  general recruitment periods are similar. Equally, internal candidates/colleagues can be assured that hiring departments have scoped the recruitment to reach the appropriate audience.

The ability of the university to secure sponsorship for non-EEA nationals depends on the quality of the preceding recruitment campaign. A correctly worded advert, a clear job description and a well documented selection process are key to success.  The Home Office employs a strict rule based approach to the assessment of work visa applications requests, faiure to follow these rules will mean the university will be unable to offer sponsorship. 

It is therefore important to plan for any potential international recruitment. Further information about conducting recruitment when sponsorship may be required can be found on our Visas and Immigration page.

It should also be borne in mind that visas are typically issued with specific work conditions attached. Restrictions often apply to the type of work that can be undertaken, travel that can be undertaken, and for international student, the maximum weekly hours that can be worked. Breaching work visa conditions carries potential serious consequences for both individual and organisation. So if in doubt, ask!

Panel membership should be agreed as soon as practically possible and membership details ideally shared with candidates in the interview invitation email. Panel details should allow candidates to familiarise themselves with research/expertise of individuals  (where applicable) and importantly assist with self-declaration of any concerns/conflicts of interest with specific panel members.

Certification to recruit

It is Queen Mary's policy that all those participating in recruitment panels have the appropriate knowledge and skills. This is usually achieved by completing the Staff Recruitment & Interview Selection e-learning.

Expenses incurred by candidates in relation to recruitment activity can be reimbursed. The payment of expenses are discretionary and the decision made locally (i.e. not by HR). Areas should adopt a consistent approach to the payment of expenses and, to manage expectations, ensure candidates are made aware at least by the interview offer stage.

Skype interviews are recommended to minimise financial and environmental cost where prolonged travel periods to and from interview would be required.  Where interviews may extend into a second round, you may wish to consider face-to-face interview as more appropriate (especially where physical presence would be important (e.g. meet & greets, tour of facilities etc). This requirement should be incorporated into early candidate communications to ensure that this is understood early on.

The employment offer is one of the highlights of the recruitment process and typically a positive occasion for both the recruiting manager and the successful candidate. It is important to bear in mind that offers should remain within the agreed parameters of the role, i.e. grade, spine point allocation and/or start dates. Employment offers made outside the agreed role parameters may jeopardise QM’s ability to hire to the post. Recruiting Managers must seek advice from HR before making any offer employment which exceeds current role parameters.

Making an offer of employment [DOC 123KB]

References must be taken for successful candidates: at least one for internal QM candidates and two for external candidates, which must include a reference from most recent employer (where applicable.  Apart from academic appointments, it is not typical to request references before offer of employment has been made. It is always vital to ensure that you have a candidates express permission to contact any referee before doing so. 

Obtaining references [DOC 358KB]

Candidate feedback is an important activity and typically given to all unsuccessful interviewed candidates by the Chair of the Panel (or designate member). Feedback should be drawn from the panel summary and within the context of benchmarking against the post applied for and not (in any significant proportion) in comparison to the successful candidate. Recruiting Managers seeking support and advice on giving feedback should contact their HR Partner for assistance. 

Giving feedback to applicants [DOC 94KB]

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