Your Responsibilities
This section provides information about the different roles involved in recruitment, the training required, responsibilities involved are and useful documents that are required throughout the process
Definition: The Manager who is responsible for undertaking the recruitment to a vacant post (usually the line manager). Whilst it is recognised that responsibilities for specific actions may be delegated, this role remains accountable for delivery of the responsibility.
Prerequisite for the role: Needs to have completed the Queen Mary Recruitment and Selection training.
The Recruiting Manager is responsible for:
- Working within the policy and ensuring that the recruitment process is conducted in a fair and transparent way;
- Obtaining the appropriate permission to recruit through iGrasp;
- Writing a job description and person specification for the vacancy using the University’s templates;
- Writing a clear and concise job advertisement using the latest template available, that clearly reflects the job description and person specification;
- Uploading full and complete documentation for advertising, which matches the iGrasp request, and that has been approved through the job evaluation process if applicable;
- Identifying selection panel members (including the Chair if different to the Recruiting Manager);
- Selecting candidates for interview (with other panel members) according to whether they possess the requirements identified in the person specification for the vacant post;
- Ensuring that any reasonable adjustments candidates have requested are actioned (speak to HR for advice);
- Ensuring that all candidates are kept up to date with the status of their application throughout the selection process;
- Arranging an interview date, booking interview rooms and putting in place any other logistical arrangements;
- Agreeing (in conjunction with the Chair) the format for the interviews and selection methods to be used;
- Making the verbal (conditional) offer to the successful candidate;
- Completing and uploading the Shortlisting Record Form to iGrasp;
- Completing the iGrasp offer page;
- Providing feedback to unsuccessful candidates in line with the policy;
- Ensuring that references are requested in accordance with the policy;
- Talking to HR before withdrawing any offers of employment;
- Managing the induction of the new employee, which starts with recruitment.
- Treating all information gained through the selection process as confidential;
- Notifying the Chair or HR of any potential conflicts of interest.
Useful Documents for Recruiting Managers
Shortlisting Record Form [DOC 63KB] - Each panel member involved in shortlisting must fill out a copy of this form, an optional scoring system is available.
Interview Record Form - Chair of Panel [DOC 62KB] - This form is to be completed by the Chair of the Panel. This document is a summary of the panel’s decisions and will be used for compliance, audit and candidate feedback.
Interview Record Form - Panel Member [DOC 98KB] - Each panel member must complete a copy of this form for each candidate interviewed.
Invite to Interview Letter [DOC 79KB] - You can use this letter to invite candidates to interview directly if you do not want them to book an interview slot using i-GRasp.
Interview Panel Pack [DOC 85KB] - This pack contains a template interview schedule, the Interview Record Form (Panel Member) and Interview Record Form (Chair of Panel). The application forms and job description should also be included with the pack. This pack is useful for those arranging the interviews and communicating with the interview panel.
Definition: The member of staff responsible for chairing the selection panel.
Prerequisite for the role: Needs to have completed the Queen Mary Recruitment and Selection training and Introducing Inclusion training.
The Chair is responsible for:
- The overall management of the interview day/process including obtaining Right to Work documentation and proof of essential qualifications from each candidate;
- Ensuring that competency-based and structured questions are produced and agreed with the interview panel members in advance of the interview;
- Ensuring that the questions focus on the skills, knowledge and experience required by the post as outlined in the person specification;
- Ensuring all candidates are asked well-structured and consistent questions. The Interview Record Form must be used for assessment purposes;
- Ensuring that the Interview Record Form is completed and uploaded to the recruitment system, promptly after the interview.
- Treating all information gained through the selection process as confidential;
- Notifying the Chair or HR of any potential conflicts of interest.
Useful documents for the Chair of Panel
Interview Record Form - Chair of Panel [DOC 62KB] - This form is to be completed by the Chair of the Panel. This document is a summary of the panel’s decisions and will be used for compliance, audit and candidate feedback.
Interview Panel Pack [DOC 85KB] - This pack contains a template interview schedule, the Interview Record Form (Panel Member) and Interview Record Form (Chair of Panel). The application forms and job description should also be included with the pack. This pack is useful for those arranging the interviews and communicating with the interview panel.
Definition: Individual participating in shortlisting and interviewing.
Prerequisite for the role: Needs to have completed the Queen Mary Recruitment and Selection training.
Panel Members are responsible for:
- Ensuring they are familiar with the recruitment policy;
- Questioning interview candidates in a fair and consistent manner as agreed with the Chair;
- Note taking during each interview;
- Ensuring all their paperwork is given to the Chair at the end of the interview process;
- Treating all information gained through the selection process as confidential;
- Notifying the Chair or HR of any potential conflicts of interest.
Useful Documents for Panel Members
Interview Record Form - Panel Member [DOC 98KB] - Each panel member must complete a copy of this form for each candidate interviewed.
Interview Panel Pack [DOC 85KB] - This pack contains a template interview schedule, the Interview Record Form (Panel Member) and Interview Record Form (Chair of Panel). The application forms and job description should also be included with the pack. This pack is useful for those arranging the interviews and communicating with the interview panel.
Human Resources are responsible for:
- Grading new and significantly altered posts in line with the University Job Evaluation process;
- Recruitment related administration including administration of iGrasp (approval chains), reviewing adverts and job descriptions ensuring they are compliant and suitable for advertising, responding to candidate enquiries, and producing contractual documentation;
- Ensuring the University’s compliance with its Tier 2 sponsor license and related immigration matters;
- Organising appropriate training and development for staff undertaking recruitment and selection;
- Providing advice and guidance on strategies and advertising approaches that will attract the best talent;
- Providing advice on any other aspect of the recruitment and selection process including selection methods;
- Providing advice on recruitment-related employment law and equality and diversity issues, in order to protect the University from risk and uphold our values;
- Monitoring and reviewing the guidance and support available;
- Monitoring and continuously improving the recruitment process and associated IT systems;
- Monitoring and analysing recruitment data and information, and providing feedback where appropriate.