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Human Resources

Financial Arrangements and External Training

A large workshop with several attendees watching a facilitator

Professional development interventions provided within the University are free of charge to employees. Departments and faculties also hold their own budgets for staff development, and central budgets for University-wide staff development are held by Professional Development and Academic Development. Central budgets would normally be used to fund:

  • University wide development initiatives e.g. leadership development programmes
  • Induction training
  • University-wide mandatory training requirements (e.g. anti-bribery)
  • Centrally provided development which is sourced and managed by Professional Development or Academic Development but delivered by external suppliers
  • Specialist training which cannot be delivered internally but is needed across all business areas

Staff development budgets held within business areas would normally be used to fund:

  • Externally sourced training which relate to the specific requirements of the individual business area (e.g. specialist/technical training required for a role or team)

In most instances the University would expect business areas to use existing internal expertise and development activities in the first instance, rather than incur external spend for activities which can be provided in-house. For advice on professional development provision please contact us, we can advise on whether development needs can be met. If no such internal offerings are available or suitable, then it would be appropriate to use external providers. Appropriate policies and procedures relating to finance and procurement must be followed wherever external spend is incurred.

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