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What Is Coaching?

Coaching assists an individual in bridging the gap between where they are now and where they would like to be.

A coach achieves this by:

  • Helping to raise the awareness of the individual with powerful questioning techniques so they can get clear on what they truly desire and who they are at their core
  • Assisting them to create practical, step-by-step action plans to reach their goals
  • Providing the individual with tools, techniques and strategies to create lasting change and success

A coach is not a counsellor, a therapist, a mentor or a consultant. A coach will focus on future possibilities rather than past mistakes; this is achieved with tried and tested techniques that qualify them to assist an individual in exploring their goals and ambitions.  Workplace coaching can be used to help with specific issues at work such as relationships or managing workload, or for longer-term issues such as career development or career planning.

Coaching at Queen Mary University of London

We have a network of qualified coaches who are able to support staff from any area of the university, no matter the role. As of 2017 we are also part of a collaboration with Regent’s University, the University of Greenwich, SOAS and LSE. This relationship enables a limited number of individuals to receive coaching support from qualified coaches from the partner universities.

To apply for coaching, please complete the Coaching Request Form.  

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a surge in demand, our current waiting times extend up to 3 months; we appreciate your understanding.

Are you interested in becoming a qualified coach?

It may be possible for you to complete the Coaching Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship and achieve a widely recognised coaching qualification.

You can find out more about staff apprenticeships on our Apprenticeships pages.  If you have further questions, please contact the Organisational and Professional Development team at

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