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Human Resources

Working outside the UK

The UK's relationship with the EU has change.  As free movement between the two has ended you will need to be aware of this when arranging travel between the UK and the EU, EEA, and Switzerland.  If you have staff who intend to undertake work outside the UK you will need to be aware of the following: 

Transnational employees

EEA nationals who were employed by Queen Mary before 31 December 2020 but are not ordinarily resident in the UK will continue to be able to enter the UK for work without the need for a visa.  They will be able to access the Frontier Worker permit and should ensure that they have applied for one before 30 June 2021.

The following overview document provides more information about the Frontier Worker Permit. 

Frontier Worker Permit Overview [PDF 128KB]

EEA nationals who wish to move to the UK but were not resident before 31 December 2020 will need a suitable visa to allow them to work in the UK. 

Working permanently outside the UK

Payroll must be informed of any work being undertaken outside the UK, there may be tax issues that need to be address before work can commence. 

Working at partner universities

EEA nationals will continue to be able to travel freely within the EEA however, British citizens will no longer be able to work freely within the EEA.  If your staff are required to travel to Europe for work then they will need to have the necessary visa to work in the country they intend to travel to. 

British citizens may need to do extra things before they travel to the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, such as:

  • check their passport;
  • get travel insurance that covers their healthcare;
  • check they have the right driving documents;
  • organise pet travel;

In addition to the above there are additional requirements for those travelling for business.

Business travel includes activities such as travelling for meetings and conferences, providing services (even with a charity).

Entry requirements

If you’re travelling to the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein for less than 90 days in a 180-day period, you may be able to do some things without getting a visa or work permit, for example going to a business meeting.

You may need a visa, work permit or other documentation if you’re planning to stay for longer than 90 days in a 180-day period, or if you’ll be doing any of the following:

  • transferring from the UK branch of a company to a branch in a different country (‘intra-corporate transfer’), even for a short period of time;
  • carrying out contracts to provide a service to a client in another country in which your employer has no presence;
  • providing services in another country as a self-employed person

If you're planning to travel for work in the EEA then you must check the entry requirements for that country before your visit. 

Professional qualifications

Check your qualifications will be recognised in the EU if you provide services like legal services.

Earning money in the EU

You might need to tell HMRC you’ll be working in the EUCheck whether you’ll need to pay social security contributions in the country you’re working in.

Taking goods into the EU

Check you’ve got the right documentation to take goods to the EU.

Find out more

These pages are still being updated. Thank you for your patience.

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