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On the 25th May 2018 a new data privacy law comes into effect, called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The new law will help protect your personal data and give you more control over how it’s used by organisations, including STC.

What does it mean for you as a SAUL member?

  • Your data will be better protected
    All organisations have to review and document how they manage your personal data and make sure they meet the GDPR requirements. STC must protect your data and act suitably if anything does go wrong.
  • You will have more rights
    The new law will give individuals more rights about how their data is used. It will be easier for you to access and update your data.
  • You will be given more information about how we process your data
    We have to document what data we process and why. This means that we can give you more information about how we’re using your personal data, and for what purpose, than we have done before.

What are STC doing about it?

Ahead of the GDPR being introduced to law, we’re reviewing how we manage and protect personal data.

We’re writing to tell you that you can find out what personal data we hold for you, how we use it and your rights as a SAUL member in our updated privacy notice. You can read our privacy notice by:

  1. Visiting, or
  2. Requesting a printed copy by: emailing, or writing to us at:

SAUL Trustee Company
1 King’s Arms Yard

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