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Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC)

ICC-Baker and McKenzie Annual Conference 2016: Trends and Developments in Global Competition Law

9 September 2016

Time: 8:45am - 5:30pm
Venue: The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels

The ICC-Baker & McKenzie Tenth Annual Conference 2016 on ‘Trends and Developments in Global Competition Law’ will be held on Friday 9 September in Brussels.

This year, the conference will address significant developments of great interest to both corporate counsel, private practitioners, policy-makers, competition enforcement officials and academics in the major areas: international merger control; information exchange; international cartel enforcement; and the e-commerce sector inquiry.

Download the full Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy (ICC) and Baker & McKenzie Annual Conference 2016 programme [PDF 411KB].

The issues to be addressed

International merger control

  • Impact of international cooperation: procedure; substance and remedies
  • Economic and evidentiary underpinnings of merger decisions
  • Procedural highlights: deadline extensions; incompleteness decisions; investigations re data accuracy.

Information exchange

  • Information exchange distinguishable from cartels?
  • IT-facilitated concerted practices
  • Information exchange in the merger context.

International cartel enforcement

  • Dawn raids - practice and developments
  • Role of intermediaries and facilitators
  • Impact of whistle blower portals.

The E-commerce sector inquiry

  • What future for selective distribution?
  • Active versus passive sales: obsolete in the online world?
  • Online versus offline pricing: regulatory rigidity or commercial flexibility?


  • Svend Albaek, Deputy Chief Economist, DG Competition
  • Eugene Buttigieg, Judge, European Union General Court
  • Fiona Carlin, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • John Davies, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
  • Cani Fernández, Partner, Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira
  • Ethel Fonseca, Principal, RBB Economics
  • Christian Horstkotte, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • Zsuzsanna Jambor, Head of Unit, European Commission
  • Christoph Leibenath, Senior Antitrust Counsel, Nestlé SA
  • Jacquelyn MacLennan, Partner, White & Case
  • Ute Mockel, Judge, Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt
  • Konrad Ost, Vice President, Bundeskartellamt
  • Vivien Rose, Judge, High Court of Justice
  • Cynthia Sanfilippo, Director of public affairs, L'Oréal
  • Stephan Simon, Senior Expert Mergers - Case Manager, European Commission
  • Bao Zhi, Partner, FenXun Partners.


8.45-9.15am: Registration and coffee

9.15-9.30am: Introduction and welcome by conference chairmen

  • Eyad Maher Dabbah (ICC) and Werner Berg (Baker & McKenzie).

9.30am: International merger control

  • Chair: John Davies, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
  • Speakers: Stephan Simon, Senior Expert Mergers; Deputy Head of Unit, DG Competition, European Commission; Ethel Fonseca, Principal, RBB Economics; Bao Zhi, Representative, Baker & McKenzie FenXun (FTZ) Joint Operation Office

11-11.15am: Coffee break

11.15am: Information exchange

  • Chair: Eugene Buttigieg, Judge, European Union General Court
  • Speakers: Christoph Leibenath, Senior Antitrust Counsel, Nestlé; Cani Fernández, Partner, Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira; Christian Horstkotte, Partner, Baker & McKenzie

12.45pm: Business lunch

2pm: International cartel enforcement

  • Chair: Vivien Rose, Judge, High Court of Justice
  • Speakers: Zsuzsanna Jambor, Head of Unit, DG Competition, European Commission; Konrad Ost, Vice President, Bundeskartellamt;  Jacquelyn MacLennan, Partner, White & Case

3.30-3.45pm: Coffee break

3.45pm: The E-commerce sector inquiry: status quo or watershed?

  • Chair: Fiona Carlin, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
  • Speakers: Svend Albaek, Deputy Chief Economist, DG Competition, European Commission; Ute Mockel, Judge, Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) Frankfurt/M.; Cynthia Sanfilippo, Director Public Affairs, L’Oréal

5.15-5.30pm: Conclusions and reflections

5.30pm: Reception

How to book

Conference fee


To register for this event visit the QMUL eshop.


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