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Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC)

“Modernising consumer markets”: re-thinking the role of competition law and policy’ – Evening Roundtable

1 March 2019

Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm
Venue: G.1 Lecture Theatre, The Centre for Commercial Law Studies, 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB

Organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Competition Law and Policy (ICC), Queen Mary University of London.


In the light of ongoing policy discussions, both at the domestic as well as EU level, on the changing role of markets and the evolving consumer role therein, this event will aim to decipher the appropriate role of competition law and policy in delivering benefits to consumers. In particular, we will discuss ways to deliver better deals and services in utilities markets; as well as the challenges digital markets pose for effective competition enforcement and what can be done to address them.


Agustín Reyna, BEUC - Challenges in Digital Markets [PDF 867KB]


Samantha Mobley, Baker McKenzie - Coordination and Pricing Algorithms [PDF 512KB]

Deni Mantzari, UCL - Modernising Regulated Consumer Markets [PDF 597KB]

Julian Nowwag, Lund University

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