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Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC)

The ICC and Baker McKenzie Annual Conference 2018: Trends and Developments in Global Competition Law

4 May 2018

Time: 8:45am - 5:30pm
Venue: The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels

This conference offers a unique forum for exchanging ideas and discussing recent developments in competition law across the globe. It brings together leading figures in the field from around the world including judges, competition officials, academics, in-house counsel and private practitioners. The conference combines the policy perspective of the London-based Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy (ICC) with the practical experience of the international law firm Baker McKenzie.

This will be a one-day event, with four major areas of focus: international merger control; international cartel enforcement; competition law enforcement in the Middle East; and abuse of dominance. Our aim on this occasion is to bring to our audience a comprehensive update of recent developments related to these topics which will be presented in an analytical and thought-provoking way by a high-level panel of speakers from around the globe. All of the topics will be illustrated by practical examples drawn from recent cases taken from Egypt, the EU, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UK, US and other competition law regimes.


8.45-9.15: Registration and coffee

9.15-9.30: Introduction and welcome by conference chairmen
Eyad Maher Dabbah (ICC) and Werner Berg (Baker McKenzie)

9.30: International merger control

Chair: Frank Montag, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Speakers: Hanna Anttilainen, Head of Unit, DG Competition, European Commission; Etienne Chantrel, Head of Mergers, French Competition Authority; Susan Hinchliffe, Global Executive Counsel - Competition Law & Policy, General Electric

Discussion topics:

  • Foreign investment rules and public interest remedies; do they impede merger control?
  • New developments regarding the innovation theory of harm.
  • Procedural flexibility in merger procedures - is it all about managing deadlines?

11.00-11.15: Coffee break

11.15: International cartel enforcement

Chair: Anthony Collins, Judge, General Court of the European Union

Speakers: Corinne Dussart-Lefret, Head of Unit, DG Competition, European; Ioannis Kokkoris, Professor, ICC, Queen Mary University of London; Craig Lee, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Discussion topics:

  • The concept of "single and continuous infringements" and its practical implications
  • E-collusion and algorithms, Adam Smith for the new economy?
  • Employee “no-poach" agreements, a new focus for antitrust prosecution.

12.45: Business lunch

14.00: Competition Law enforcement in the Middle East

Chair: Eyad Maher Dabbah, Director and Professor, ICC, Queen Mary University of London

Keynote remarks: Frédéric Jenny, Chairman, OECD Competition Committee; Professor, ESSEC Business School, Paris

Speakers: Mona El-Garf, Chairperson, Egyptian Competition Authority; David Monnier, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Discussion topics:

  • The prohibition of cartel behaviour: is there sufficient deterrence?
  • Abusive dominance as a major area of focus: controversies, limitations and priorities
  • Recent enforcement trends in Egypt

15.30-15.45: Coffee break

15.45: Abuse of dominance

Chair: José Luís da Cruz Vilaça, Judge, Court of Justice of the European Union

Speakers: Manuel Kellerbauer, Member, Legal Service, European Commission; Silke Hossenfelder, Director, Head of 9th Decision Division, Bundeskartellamt; Bill Batchelor, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Discussion topics:

  • The lawfulness of rebates post Intel - have we learned anything practical?
  • Exploitative abuses: The new interest in discrimination and excessive pricing
  • The impact of Contact Software and Swiss Watches: will aftermarket complaints ever be successful?

17.15-17.30: Conclusions and reflections

17.30: Reception


The conference has been recognised as constituting vocational training by the Orde van Vlaamse Balies and the Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Germanophones de Belgique. Participants will be credited six points of vocational training for their participation.

Participants with the relevant qualification will be credited six CPD points by the Law Society and the Bar Standards Board of the Bar Council (England and Wales).

Download The ICC and Baker McKenzie Annual Conference 2018 [PDF 447KB]


How to book

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Conference fee



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