Call for Papers
IGALA is the premiere international scholarly organisation for the study of language as it relates to the construction and representation of gender and sexuality. Since its founding in 1999, IGALA has been dedicated to supporting and promoting research on language, gender and sexuality, and to communicating to the wider world about relevant gender, sexuality and language issues.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, IGALA11 will take place entirely online. The conference will feature both pre-recorded individual presentations (available on-demand to registered participants 2 weeks before the conference dates) and a series of live events from 22-24 June 2021.
The theme of IGALA11 is Language and the Geopolitics of Gender. With this theme, we aim to highlight the geopolitical dimensions of language, gender and sexuality scholarship. Our goal is to showcase research on configurations of language, gender and sexuality from a diverse range of cultural, linguistic and geographical contexts, and in particular work that engages with issues of coloniality, globalisation, migration, (trans)nationalism and/or modernity. We also aim to encourage discussions of methodological and epistemological diversity, and of the broader dynamics of knowledge creation and dissemination in our field.
We are issuing a supplemental Call for Papers for IGALA11. Papers that have already been accepted for IGALA11 should NOT be resubmitted. This call is for new submissions only, in order to fill a limited number of openings in the conference programme caused by having postponed the event for a year.
Abstracts are invited for individual (20-minute) papers only. Papers should present original, unpublished research related to the study of language, gender and/or sexuality. We particularly encourage submissions related to the conference theme. We welcome diversity in theoretical and methodological approaches and in the linguistic and cultural contexts considered. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to prepare a pre-recorded video of their talk. Recordings will appear on the conference website and be available to registered participants.
Abstracts should be submitted via EasyAbs. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words and confined to 1 page of text. References, glossed/transcribed examples, and images can appear on a second page and do not count toward the word limit. Abstracts should be submitted as PDF documents and be fully anonymised. The submission deadline is Sunday 17st January 2021 (23:59, AoE: UTC-12). Note that the online submission systems still reflects the old deadlines (from 2019). This is an error we are trying to fix. Please ignore the dates listed there, and submit any new abstracts by 17 January 2021.
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed. Notifications of acceptance will happen in February 2021.
Note that authors may present a maximum of two presentations at IGALA11, only one of which may be sole-/first-authored. This limit applies to both regular papers and panel papers. For any questions, please contact the IGALA11 organizing team.
We hope to welcome you to IGALA11!