E-Learning Unit
What is e-learning?
E-Learning or electronic learning is primarily teaching that is delivered, enabled or mediated using electronic technology training, learning and development. E-learning encompasses a wide range of both formal and informal materials together with a huge variety of complementary or alternative e-learning techniques. These include sharing knowledge or links to resources via social and interactive media sites and viewing online lectures, web seminars (webinars) and podcasts and developing the concept of the learner as the creator.
The purpose of the e-learning unit at QMUL's Centre for Medical Education is to support academic staff in utilizing electronic methods of teaching in the MB BS course. This is in addition to the support provided by the QMUL E-learning unit.
The QMUL e-learning unit run a number of training courses on using e-learning tools and methods. These are open to all FMD staff, including those with honorary contracts. More information about the training can be found here. There are also help guides and information on the FMD E-learning User Group page.
Developing Tools
There are a wide variety of authoring tools that can be used both free on the web and at cost. A variety of software is available in Garrod 3.10 for staff to create resources. The FMD E-learning User Group maintain a list of free online tools that can be used to create e-learning materials. This can be found on the User Group webpage.
Virtual hospital and virtual patients
Virtual patients are a form of e-learning that uses interactive computer simulations that mimics real life clinical scenarios for the purpose of healthcare education. This is a useful tool in testing medical knowledge and clinical reasoning of medical students. It allows the student to play the part of healthcare provider by interacting with an on-screen patient to obtain history, conduct physical examinations and make diagnostic and management decisions in a risk free environment.
Our virtual patients can be found within the virtual hospital on QM+ [login required]
The Team
- Dr Mark Roberts – Lecturer in Biochemistry, Academic lead for E-Learning
- Karin Fernandes – Technology Support Officer
k.fernandes@qmul.ac.uk - Dr Lauren Goundry - E-learning fellow (Dermatology and Sexual Health)
- Dr Anamika Basu - E-learning fellow (GI & Metabolic medicine)