Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology at the Turnbull Centre

At the Medical School in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry there is a strong focus on medical science in the early years. The Turnbull Centre is a fully equipped anatomy and physiology teaching and learning facility located at the Mile End Campus.
The Anatomy Laboratory
Students study anatomy with a multidisciplinary approach to learning, using prosections, models, bones, and radiographic imaging. Twenty stations are each equipped with two PCs that show anatomical images, videos, x-rays, CT and MRI scans, web sites and presentations. There is a strong emphasis on functional and clinical anatomy and clinical demonstrators facilitate all classes.
The Multi-Disciplinary Laboratory
Designed to accommodate Physiology classes, the MDL is equipped with digital data capture facilities to enable large group demonstrations. Wherever possible the equipment is the same as that used in the clinical skills centre and out on hospital training. This has meant new classes have been designed and new study modules developed. As we move more towards digitally capturing data and an integration of basic science with clinical skills then the facilities we have established have put us in a position to expand and keep pace as demand changes.
The Dissecting Room
Students get the opportunity to opt into dissection classes. Dissection classes are held after the basic anatomical teaching in the practical lab so students have basic anatomical understanding before dissecting. The fully equipped dissecting room can accommodate up to 100 students. Year 1 students dissect the limbs; year 2 students dissect the thorax, and abdomen. All dissections have an introductory lecture for preparation and revision. The dissections focus not only on functional and clinical anatomy, but also the related pathologies that maybe discovered during the dissections. Clinical teaching fellows and surgical trainees demonstrate in all dissection classes.
Contact: Rejwan Ahmed, Turnbull Centre Manager